Month: February 2021
Freedom – Are We Really Free to Think and Act by Ourselves?
I am free to think, speak and act in my own way, and yes, I have the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them. We live in a free world, and we should have the freedom to choose what we want to think, be or do. The reality is that we live in a…
The Pakistani Media – Freedom With Responsibility?
From a government-controlled television channel and heavily censored entertainment to a modern abundance of information and entertainment capable of withstanding competition from international media, the Pakistani media environment has emerged in recent years as pressure and government censorship and the weakening of ‘freedom of speech’ have eased. Increased… The last few years have been a…
Optimize Freedom and What It Can Do For You
Over time, less attention is paid to quality and more attention is paid to how something is presented. This is true of today’s era, when things of the past consisted of the founders of highly paid, highly paid Class C products, which owe their success to presentation and packaging, and in today’s era the Internet…
Does Social Media Set “New World Order” in Building Revolutions Throughout the Middle East?
Since the uprising began in Tunisia and called on the longtime dictator to resign, Egypt has followed the example of Tunisia’s recent Jasmine Revolution in search of reform, freedom and respect, using social media to organize, communicate and express its feelings, not just for the world. but to tell your dictators, “This is the end…
Freedom of Press, the Misinterpretations in India
The right to express opinions and freedom of expression are very important in a democratic country. Intellectuals have long supported it as a gateway to other freedoms, believing that restrictions on freedom of expression inevitably lead to restrictions on other rights, such as the right to information. The right to freedom of expression is guaranteed…
Media & Entertainment Law – Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Data Protection – Public Body
The British Broadcasting Corporation / Sugar and Others (on request) British Broadcasting Corporation / The Information Tribunal and Others (2007) Freedom of Information Act 2000 cases. The plaintiff in the case, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), asked B. for advice on covering issues in the Middle East for the BBC. In 2004, B., who was…
There Is a Compelling Influence of Media Owners on Media Practice: A Personal Opinion
To say that media owners have a clear influence on media practice is to say nothing. Indeed, the world’s media deny the necessary freedom, even if the journalist bears undivided responsibility to his society, his country and his conscience. It must choose between the interests and policies of media owners and the demands of professionalism.…
The Risk of Inappropriate Use of Social Media: Fair Dismissal for Inappropriate Comments on Facebook
Law Unfair dismissal Under English law, workers have the right not to be unfairly dismissed. The employer must determine that the reason for dismissal may be a valid reason. In order for the dismissal to be fair, the employer must also comply with a fair procedure. To establish the fairness of the dismissal case for…
Is WikiLeaks Leading a Media Revolution or Digging the Industry’s Grave?
Not many people have ever heard of WikiLeaks. Julian Assange is probably now discussing Amish groups. It is hard to imagine another organization that has so completely divided the world. People love it or hate it, and they change loyalty in the blink of an eye, or, so to speak, an international bomb. The Association…
Freedom of The Press Is Essential For Democracy
In countries where dictators control the population, the press is either blocked or absent. Government media are often the only source of information on what governments are doing in these authoritarian societies. The leaders of media freedom are Western countries, including the United States. But Trump has railed against the media and refuses to inform…