
Therapeutic And Health Benefits Of Playing Video Games

Improved ability to recognize visual information quickly and accurately: A study by Beth Israel Medical Center NY found a direct link between video game competence and keyhole or laparoscopic surgery. Doctors who played video games at least three hours a week made about 37% fewer errors in the operation and performed the task 27% faster than surgeons who didn’t play. Another study found that people who regularly play video games are better at recording visual data and are therefore faster visual students. They are also more resistant to perceptual interference and can therefore learn for a longer period in distracting environments. Video games are disapproved by parents as a waste of time, and worse, some education experts think these games damage the brain.

However, players who play games where players have to navigate using spatial strategies such as Super Mario 3D games have more gray matter in the hippocampus. People who played action-based video games and computer games made decisions 25% faster than others without sacrificing precision, according to a study by the University of Rochester. Other studies suggest that most expert players can make decisions and act on them up to six times per second, four times faster than most people, and they can watch more than six things at once without kangtau88 getting confused, compared to only four per average person. Surprisingly, violent action games that often worry parents had the greatest beneficial effect on the brain, according to cognitive neuroscientist Daphne Bavelier, who studies the effect of action games at the Swiss University of Geneva and the University of Rochester in New York. In a recent article in the Psychological Bulletin, Benoit Bediou and his colleagues discussed all the recent research they could find into the cognitive effects of playing action video games.

A series of studies from California State University found that the impulsive part of the brain, known as the amygdala-estriatal system, was more sensitive and smaller among excessive players. According to Professor Ofir Turel, heavy players between the ages of 13 and 15 whose self-control system is not yet well developed can be more susceptible to other forms of addiction and more prone to impulsive and risky behavior later in life. Click here for more information on video game addiction, how to handle it, and tips to keep your kids from becoming addicted to video games. Video games have several positive effects on both your mental and physical health.

Video games are a great way to maintain social relationships, especially online. Because of the interactivity, online connection via a video game is mainly different from connecting socially online via an online forum or social networks. They offer us a way to actively interact with others, cooperate or compete and have shared experiences that are now particularly remarkable, since COVID-19 has kept us physically alienated and less able to have shared traditional experiences, such as game data and dinners . If you are under 12, it is probably best to limit online interactions to video games where the other players you know in real life. Most social media also have a minimum age requirement that you can use to decide whether to use it. Studies show that children playing video games can boost their reading skills.

As Isabela Granic and her colleagues note, adding labels like “good”, “bad”, “violent” or “prosocial” largely overlooks the complex picture surrounding the new generation of video games now available. Players are attracted to the video games they prefer, and the pros or cons of how they handle these games are largely shaped by their motivation to play. The cognitive benefits of video games also seem to produce increased neural processing and efficiency, improve the workings of care and assist in pattern recognition. The best results seem to come from “shooter” video games instead of puzzle-solving games or role-playing games, although modern games are generally too complex to draw easy conclusions about the type of cognitive benefits they can bring. I agree that Caltech has the right to take, use, create and / or display tasks and photos, video recordings and / or tapes from my son. I understand that my child can be photographed and / or recorded literally on video or audio and that Caltech can enable people outside Caltech to view the images or recordings in whole or in part.

By providing instant feedback while video game players solve problems and gain more experience, players can learn to see themselves by having skills and intelligence they would otherwise not realize they have. Cognitive development: action research games show improved mental rotation skills, faster and more accurate attention assignment, higher spatial resolution in visual processing. Meta-analysis studies have shown that space skills can be learned in a relatively short time by playing video games and that the results are often comparable to training in formal courses designed to improve the same skills. There are many misconceptions about video games and the impact they have on mental health. The truth is that video games have many benefits, including developing complex problem-solving skills and promoting social interaction through online games.

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