Canadian pharmacy

Canadian pharmacies Canadian pharmacy provide safe and inexpensive prescription drugs. About 50 million people in the U.S. do not have enough health insurance. The cost of prescription drugs in the United States is much higher than in most countries of the world, and can be prohibitive despite health insurance. Currently, millions of Americans tend to buy prescription drugs online from pharmacists in Canada, especially older U.S. citizens.

The cost of medicines in the United States can be reduced by importing cheaper drugs or by direct control. Companies must maximize their profits to ensure that sufficient resources are available for research and development. The pharmaceutical industry would lose billions of dollars, limiting the ability of companies to invest in pharmaceutical research if imports were allowed.

However, patients who buy drugs in Canada may not have the same brands as in the United States. Some patients find a generic drug that is only taken in Canada. In such cases, it is necessary and preferable to purchase generics approved by the FDA in the United States. Canada is a small country, and it cannot meet all the requirements of Americans for recipes. The deficit had arisen in their own country as a result of illegal cross-border drug trafficking. Companies in Canada are expected to limit their offerings in the near future.

Receiving wholesale Canadian pharmaceuticals is contrary to U.S. policy. The government does not usually prosecute people who buy cheaper medicines for personal use in small batches.

The probability that U.S. drug prices will match prices abroad is very low, and it appears that Canadian pharmaceuticals may remain popular in this country. Canadian pharmaceuticals are not approved by the FDA, but have standards similar to those set by the FDA. It is better to do business with health care providers who are versed in pharmacies in Canada.

Canadian online pharmacies typically offer the best prices for Canadian medicines as well as medicines from other countries. This is due to the fact that there are many Canadian online pharmacies that reduce prices to increase sales.

Most of them have no hidden costs, such as issuance, processing, customs duties, conversion rate or doctors’ assessment.

Every Canadian online pharmacy has a customer service center. In most cases, customer service is free and available 24/7 by phone, email or fax.

You can quickly and easily order medicines, and in some cases you can not only publish them online, but also by fax, phone or even email.

They have a secure online ordering system, and most have a system for restocking orders that allows you to simply register and fill up quickly and easily.

You can buy them with confidence and get the same quality as a regular pharmacy because they are completely safe. All medicines that can be found in the Canadian online pharmacy are released only by licensed pharmacists.

Some of them even send delegates to meet with leading pharmacies in places such as Canada, New york, Australia, the UK and many other international pharmacies in different countries to give you
Better bet on your brand and generics.

Most transactions are in U.S. dollars, avoiding high conversion rates.

Canadian online pharmacies offer a quick delivery of Canadian and international medicines to your door or to the subscriber box. This usually takes 7-14 days, and delivery is accompanied by online and offline order tracking.

Many of them have exclusive offers such as gift cards, free shipping, and some even have monthly contests where you can win your order.

Freedom – Are We Really Free to Think and Act by Ourselves?

I am free to think, speak and act in my own way, and yes, I have the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them.

We live in a free world, and we should have the freedom to choose what we want to think, be or do. The reality is that we live in a very conditioned world under the influence of the media. We tend to do or believe in what other people do.

We don’t seem to like using our minds, we’re just following the leader. “Famous” people sell their ideologies, and we just follow them. Freedom is no longer the same word. Its meaning is changing.

Freedom: the ability to act, speak or think without external constraints.

Freedom now: the ability to act, speak or think through ideas imposed by the media from outside.

Imagine what we can all do when we really have the ability to create our OWN thoughts and use them to live the life we want. As humans, we can create YOUR thoughts. We have the ability to avoid all external messages and create our thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs. It is always better to create your life than to simply respond to other people’s ideas.

Some people say that people only use about 10% of the brain. I’m not quite sure, but when I look back, I don’t feel like we’re using our brains in a positive way. Since childhood, we have learned to think based on the ideologies of others. Even in schools there is no class where one can learn to think or make your own thoughts and statements.

Freedom does not mean to think – or to be – the strangest, eccentric or quirky. We do NOT participate in these categories. Freedom is the ability to create YOUR thoughts and act or speak the way you think is best for you. You don’t have to accept all the things that society or other people (media) are trying to impose on you. If you follow someone’s ideology (music, movies, shows, books, products), take the time to analyze and evaluate whether it helps you grow as a person and be happy – or helps. Are you just because your friends, relatives or others are you following him? Maybe you just want to fit into this group of people. Maybe you just need to be loved and accepted.

People who can think for themselves are really FREE and independent. They’re positive people. They know what to believe and how to be happy. They decide what to listen to, how to talk, what to think about and how to act. They easily separate waste from decent materials. They take the time to think about what they want and focus on the life they want to live.

Are you too busy thinking about the most important decisions in your life? Do you lose the ability to think for yourself? Do you know how to use your mind in a positive way? Are you a FREE person or just following the media leaders?

The Pakistani Media – Freedom With Responsibility?

From a government-controlled television channel and heavily censored entertainment to a modern abundance of information and entertainment capable of withstanding competition from international media, the Pakistani media environment has emerged in recent years as pressure and government censorship and the weakening of ‘freedom of speech’ have eased. Increased…

The last few years have been a turning point for the Pakistani media. Changing trends and liberal thinking have allowed the media to operate on such an open scale as never before in the history of the country. From models barely dressed in music videos to live discussions on taboo topics, the Pakistani media has undergone a transformation and has now become a major competitor to foreign media. Needless to say, the media themselves played a vital role in changing the perception of the conservative masses. No matter how conservative it may be, cafes and clubs have sprung up in every major city, and dance parties have become commonplace.

The media has grown enormously not only in the entertainment sector, but also in the news and information sector. The major newspapers have opened several new news channels and broadcast news as they appear. From uncovering the perversity of a metropolis like Karachi to live video broadcasts of violence erupting across the country. However, this freedom has to be paid for. The media have become too convenient to display graphics on screen and in print, leading to new laws for displaying graphics on the screen.

I have a question: what next? What’s next for the Pakistani media? It seems that the media are reaching a new level of broadcasting. Recently, one of Pakistan’s leading cellular telecommunications companies launched a service that allows broadcasting TV channels via GPRS or mobile Internet. No matter how successful this service is, it is a step in the right direction. Mobile companies around the world broadcast television content through their 3G networks.

On the contrary, it is the next important step for the Pakistani media, as the concept of web tv is already very popular among the tech-savvy population. On the other hand, the government has begun to introduce more bureaucracy and regulations in the industry and its activities. This will undoubtedly hinder the development and freedom of the media, but also hides their future. Only time will tell where the media is going now.

Optimize Freedom and What It Can Do For You

Over time, less attention is paid to quality and more attention is paid to how something is presented. This is true of today’s era, when things of the past consisted of the founders of highly paid, highly paid Class C products, which owe their success to presentation and packaging, and in today’s era the Internet largely dominates marketing. location. According to Forrester Homework, 97% of consumers search for the product on the Internet, and 92% immediately contact the company, finding and reading information about the product on the Internet.

Unfortunately, the use of the Internet as an advertising strategy is no longer a universal idea, and more and more companies are following this trend and are becoming fiercely competitive for small businesses or local businesses. Online advertising does not guarantee an immediate influx of customers. In this area, you should be at the top, or at least at the top of the page; Google page that is.

Optimizing freedom is the right choice for this. Freedom Optimize is a commercial advertising provider that helps local businesses through independent partners. It is a direct sales and online sales company offering advertising solutions under its own brand of trust and reliability. This allows these small businesses or firms to take advantage of the world of cyberspace.

But Optimize Freedom’s business opportunities don’t end there. Although Optimize Freedom is focused on providing services over the Internet, it also provides other types of media. The service allows local businesses and businesses to promote video, mobile devices, and other social networks, which can ensure that these businesses are promoted in Google’s rankings with the Guerrilla Trustmark sign and a suite of solutions. Optimize Freedom services provide local small businesses with the ability to have reliable leaders, brands on items you can trust, and useful startup help.

The optimization of freedom also makes the marketing process as painless as possible for the local entrepreneur. You don’t need special skills to get what you’re selling. There is no need for extensive research on online marketing or interactive media.

Optimize Freedom has assembled a team of Internet marketing experts who guarantee only the best in promoting business, business and business. They’re already moving in almost all types of social networks with results that can be shown, but their strength in internet marketing, and in this they proved that they exceeded expectations.

Optimize Freedom services also rely on a proven brand and solution-seeking Guerrilla Marketing, a company founded by Jay Levinson that relies on unconventional promotional methods and instead relies on time, energy and creativity rather than a large marketing budget.

Most, if not all, consumers are now using digital-age gadgets to query, research and validate a new product line or business they’ve just heard of, or to fall in love with them at all, your business is sold around the world. . The Internet is essential to its success. So choose wisely and maximize your freedom.

An Internet marketing expert and a leading expert reveals how IT can be completely killed with the Optimize Freedom business model. Get the Optimize Freedom Insider report today by visiting:

Does Social Media Set “New World Order” in Building Revolutions Throughout the Middle East?

Since the uprising began in Tunisia and called on the longtime dictator to resign, Egypt has followed the example of Tunisia’s recent Jasmine Revolution in search of reform, freedom and respect, using social media to organize, communicate and express its feelings, not just for the world. but to tell your dictators, “This is the end of your rule, and now it’s time to change whether you like it or not.”

The young catalysts of Twitter, Facebook and social networks are the driving force behind the revolution not only in Tunisia and Egypt, but also in Jordan and Yemen, where the role of social networking has proven that the new world order in digital social communications brings . totalitarian regimes in the Middle East. The incessant youth, the nascent youth, the educated elite of the Arab world express themselves in search of freedom. Yes, freedom is a precious commodity, especially in the Arab world, where there are no real democracies, but decades of totalitarian regimes have taken control of their people and turned it into modern slaves. Moreover, Egypt’s stranded elite is speaking out after thirty years of unprecedented selfish rule that has stolen their dignity by preventing them from participating in decision-making, taking responsibility for their future and now fighting for their pride in defining the road map to be won. freedom, the right to self-expression, needless to say, to earn respect by rewriting history, making them proud citizens of their forced changes, to set a better example not only to Egypt, but also to other dictators in the Middle East and around the world. Now social networks are terrible for dictatorships all over the Arab world, where Egypt’s dictatorial regimes are shutting down all social networks and communications to put more pressure on young people to stop their uprising, but it has not only turned against the totalitarian regime, but has also provoked more anger and given young people more reasons not to give up so easily, while supporting the struggle for freedom to the end until Mr. Mubarak witnesses his final minutes of 30 years of rule.

Socialization in the digital world is building a new world order, stimulating change and overthrowing dictators, at least in the Arab world. Egypt’s young closed elite seeks regime change, free elections and power to elect their own leaders, demanding that their basic civil rights be heard and respected; but getting there becomes even more difficult when the streets are chaos and a brand new ball game begins. Social media plays a vital role in bringing about change by giving these young rebels a tool they never had before, they could overthrow dictators and create a new world order in social digital communications.

Important facts about Egypt according to the latest CIA data published in FactBook: 2010

Population: 80 million

Average age: 24 years

GDP: about $216.8 billion (2009)

Per capita income: $6,200 (GDP/year ppp, 2010)

Unemployment: 9.7% (estimate)

Poverty: 40%

Strategic interests for the world:

The Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty was signed in 1979.
It is estimated that 10% of global demand for crude oil passes through the Suez Canal.
The largest population in the Middle East
Egypt receives about $2-3 billion in aid from the United States each year.
Egypt has ancient treasures and artifacts.
The Pyramids are one of the best wonders of the world.
A global destination for tourists, making it one of the most important tourist markets in the world.
Popular hashtags used on Twitter to message “Egyptian Uprising”:


Social freedom
Twitter revolution

SM Revolution










Civil liberties
Mona Altahawi

To analyze “The Last Moods of the Uprising in Egypt Since It Began Eight Days Ago on January 25, 2011”; You can always link here.

Rami Gali is a marketer with more than a decade of experience in international markets. He has held professional and management positions in various global markets in a variety of industries, from retail, wholesale, consumer goods to technology product management, focusing on the development of distribution channels. He also holds a degree in International Marketing and a degree in International Relations and Middle East Studies from Daytona State College. He was interested in social media developments, next-generation search technologies, semantic search engines and text analysis; Needless to say, geopolitics, Middle East research and environmental factors that influence the growth of global business are common interests that love to watch and encourage writing about them.

Freedom of Press, the Misinterpretations in India

The right to express opinions and freedom of expression are very important in a democratic country. Intellectuals have long supported it as a gateway to other freedoms, believing that restrictions on freedom of expression inevitably lead to restrictions on other rights, such as the right to information. The right to freedom of expression is guaranteed by article 19 (1) (a) of the Constitution of the Republic of India.

On the other hand, article 19 (1) (g) of the Indian Constitution is important in determining the standards applicable to the conduct of many media, i.e. the media in India.

However, the right to freedom of expression is confused and equates to the need to ignore the media as a business (referred to in article 19 (1) (g) of the Constitution of the Republic of India), which significantly affects it. The rights of the citizen and the rights of the owner of the media company fall under different criteria and contours and cannot be considered simultaneously.

It is very important to understand that freedom of speech and expression includes freedom of movement, since the ability to disseminate one’s speech is an integral part of that freedom. It is also important to understand that the news recipient and news editor belong to fundamentally different interest groups. That is why our legislators so clearly distinguish between expressing their own opinions and publishing/spreading news. Thus, these two concepts need different levels of misunderstanding to ensure that the subsequent right retained in article 19 (1) (g) does not revoke the rights enshrined in article 19 (1) (a) or restriction.

Freedom of the press, in the meaning of article 19 (1) (g) should be guaranteed as such to ensure that the public is properly informed. In addition, evidence of State autonomy is judged by the degree of press attention to ensure that ordinary citizens do have the right to freedom of expression and expression – to ensure an effective democracy – and that such a right does not affect them. for commercial purposes.

The Constitution, the highest law of the country, guarantees freedom of expression under article 19, which deals with the protection of certain rights with respect to freedom of expression. While article 19 (1) (a) stipulates that all citizens have the right to freedom of expression, on the other hand, article 19 (1) (g) allows any person to engage in professional activities or to engage in any profession. , trade or business.

Moreover, basic rights were part of the basic structure of India’s constitution and could not be changed. Certain restrictions had been imposed on freedom of expression by article 19 (2), and constitutional protection was the greatest guarantee of freedom of expression in India. Moreover, under Indian law, freedom of speech and freedom of the press did not give an absolute right to express themselves freely. Section 19 (2) of the Indian Constitution allows a legislator to impose the following restrictions:

State security,
Friendly relations with foreign countries,
Public order,
Decency and morality,
Disrespect for the court,
Incitement to violation and
India’s sovereignty and integrity.
In view of the aforementioned restrictions, each individual and media organization should understand whether there is a violation of the aforementioned restrictions, citing freedom of expression as an authority. In fact, a very fine line separates the right to freedom of expression from its limitations. Therefore, it is necessary to fully understand the correctness.

Media & Entertainment Law – Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Data Protection – Public Body

The British Broadcasting Corporation / Sugar and Others (on request) British Broadcasting Corporation / The Information Tribunal and Others (2007) Freedom of Information Act 2000 cases.

The plaintiff in the case, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), asked B. for advice on covering issues in the Middle East for the BBC. In 2004, B., who was an experienced journalist, wrote an internal written report on the subject. The report was referred to the BBC Journalism Council for consideration. Subsequently, a commission was subsequently appointed in 2005 to conduct an external and independent review of the BBC’s reporting of cases in the Middle East. This second report was never published.

Respondent S wanted to see the second report. He believed that he had access to it under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the 2000 Act). He therefore made a written request to the BBC, stating that the report had had a direct impact on the BBC’s coverage of major world events and that the 2000 law did not apply to them. S. was not satisfied with this response and subsequently filed a complaint with the Information Commissioner.

The Commissioner actively corresponded with S and separately with the BBC. In a detailed letter, the Commissioner expressed his preliminary view that the report was kept for journalistic, artistic or literary purposes and that in such circumstances the BBC was not considered a public body under the 2000 Act on Claim S, and therefore there was no obligation to disclose the contents of the report.

S. declined to comment further to the Commissioner, who confirmed his final decision that the report could not be made public, thereby notifying S. of his right to seek judicial review of the decision. S. appealed to the Information Tribunal under the provisions of Article 50 of the 2000 Act.

that S. did not invoke Article 50;

The Commissioner did not notify of a decision that could be appealed; And

That the court was not competent to hear such an appeal.

The Tribunal believed that it did have the power to hear an appeal. The Commissioner settled the jurisdictional dispute. The Court held that it had jurisdiction to hear S.’s appeal and therefore proceeded to consider it. It ruled that at the time S. requested a copy of the report, the report was kept for purposes other than journalism, art or literature.

The BBC subsequently appealed the jurisdictional decision and the journalists’ decision, and in order to allow any alleged lack of jurisdiction, the BBC attempted to challenge the court’s decisions through a simultaneous judicial review.

S initiated in due course its own judicial review procedure for the auditor’s original decision. It was alleged that the court did not have jurisdiction to hear the alleged appeal and that the trial of S. was to seek a judicial review of the Commissioner’s original decision. Furthermore, it was argued that, despite the initial impression that could be removed from Subsection 3 (1) and Annex 1 of the Act 2000, subsection 7 (1) showed that it was related to the application of Parts I – V information, rather than describing the circumstances under which an organization should or should not be considered a “public institution”.

Article 3 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 states that this material:

(1) In this Act, “public institution” means:

(a) In the light of article 4 (4), any person, person or accused incumbent who:

(i) is listed in Appendix 1, or

(ii) appointed by article 5, or

(b) a public company in the meaning of Section 6.

(2) For the purposes of this Act, information is stored in a public institution if:

(a) it belongs to the authorities, except on behalf of another person, or

(b) it belongs to another person on behalf of the Office.

Article 7 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides for material:

(1) If a public authority is listed in Annex 1 only for information with this description, nothing in parts I to V of this Act applies to any other information available to the Office.

(2) In the injunction under subsection 4 (1) when a record is added to Annex 1, only a government authority may be mentioned in relation to information with the specified description.

Article 50 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides for material:

(1) Any person (“the plaintiff”) may file a request to the public auditor to decide whether a request for information from the plaintiff to the public authority has been processed in a particular respect, in accordance with the requirements of Part I. .

(2) After receiving the request under this article, the Commissioner decides if he does not think:

(a) The complainant has not complied with any complaint procedure provided by the public authority in accordance with the code of rules under section 45,

(b) There was an unjustified delay in filing a request,

(c) The request is unreasonable or vexing, or

d) The application has been withdrawn or rejected.

(3) If the Commissioner has received a request under this article, he must:

(a) Notify the complainant that he has not made a decision in accordance with the on-demand section and the reasons why he did not, or

b) inform the plaintiff and the public body of their decision (“notification of decision”).

Article 57 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 states that this material:

(1) Once a notice of decision has been issued, the plaintiff or the public authority may appeal the notice to the Tribunal.

(2) The State body to which the Commissioner has been given a notice of information or notice of execution may appeal against the notice to the Tribunal.

(3) With regard to a decision or executive act regarding:

(a) The information to which Article 66 is applied and

(b) Subsections (1) and (2) depending on whether the reference to a public body was a reference to a public body or a responsible body, depending on whether the reference to a public body was a reference to a public body or a responsible body, on the matter, depending on whether the reference to a public body was a reference to a public body or a responsible body.

Annex 1 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 contains a list of government organizations. Most of those listed in Part VI Of Appendix 1 are mentioned by name, but some are not, and one of these agencies is the BBC. The BBC’s Entry in Part VI App 1 reads:

“The British Broadcasting Corporation with regard to information stored for purposes other than journalism, art or literature.”

The appeal was granted for the following reasons:

As for the requirements of parts from the I to V Act 2000, the BBC was considered a public body only in respect of the information it stores for purposes other than journalistic, artistic or literary. The applicable sections of the 2000 Act, namely subsection 3 (1) and subsection 7 (1) taken together with Annex 1, were different. These sections specify which bodies should be considered as public bodies for certain types of information. The sections do not allege that the BBC was for all intents and purposes under the State Agency’s 2000 Act on all the information they had.

The structure of the 2000 Act is such that some of the commissioner’s decisions cannot be appealed to the court. It can be concluded from the wording and structure of the 2000 Act that any intention to appeal the decision rests with the Tribunal when the Commissioner decides whether The requirements of Part I have been met by the court, the public body and when the decision has been notified. If the auditor has decided that there are circumstances in section 7 (1) of the 2000 Act, section 50 (3) (b) will not be notified of the decision that the auditor could designate. Consequently, an appeal cannot be filed with the court. The appeal was heard in court. Looking at the terms of Sections 3, 7 and Appendix 1 of the 2000 Act, the court had no right of appeal.

The question of whether the information was “preserved for purposes other than journalistic” was ultimately decided by the Commissioner, depending on the circumstances of each individual case. His decision was not subject to judicial review.

There Is a Compelling Influence of Media Owners on Media Practice: A Personal Opinion

To say that media owners have a clear influence on media practice is to say nothing. Indeed, the world’s media deny the necessary freedom, even if the journalist bears undivided responsibility to his society, his country and his conscience. It must choose between the interests and policies of media owners and the demands of professionalism. Thus, serving the private interests of owners is a subtle betrayal of professional ethics. Holding a compromise line between the media owner’s political goals and the social responsibilities/duties of the profession is never an easy decision.

Media professionals around the world, especially in Africa, have in practice tried to address the still contentious issue of the political objectives of media owners versus professionalism. For example, Kofi Buenoor Hajor, a journalist from Ghana, once said that “journalism must be important” for Africa. According to Hajor, the media, which absorb and disseminate information around the world on a daily basis, should be treated as they are: an inalienable art of society, which in turn reflects and influences existing social relations.

Because of the prevailing influence of media owners on the media, the policy was proclaimed in Yaounde, Cameroon, in the African member state of UNESCO, the Intergovernmental Conference on Communication Policy from 22 to 31 July 1980. The conference report said: “We need a new concept of freedom that will truly give people and society the right to vote, rather than subjecting them to the conditions of those who control powerful means of communication that will promote the democratization of communication and recognize the rights of people and peoples to ask and freely express their opinions.”

In many parts of the world, especially in Nigeria, competing power structures dominate the problem faced by the media because of their contribution to the absence of forced press freedom.

According to Herbert Altszull, an independent press is impossible because “information is agents of people exercising political and economic control.” In other words, regardless of the goodwill of the government or the democratic principles of society; Regardless of the progress of any society, the media are usually subject to some form of control by those who own and control the apparatus of power.

However, the foundations of authoritarianism in Nigeria, which gave the government direct control and monopoly on radio and television stations, were broken in 1992, when private broadcasters obtained their first licence, ushering in a new era in the ownership of audiovisual media. .

In the United States, according to Amy and David Goodman, the concentration of media ownership today is very often seen as a media and society problem, because most people are motivated by so many things. Media ownership may focus on one or more inappropriate issues, which can then lead to a number of undesirable consequences, including serving the interests of their sponsors (advertisers and government) rather than the public interest, and lack of accountability. . competition-based. This has led to companies dominating the media market from suppressing material that is not in their interest. As a result, the public suffers from a lack of awareness on some important issues that may concern them.

The censorship of the media, which is a persistent problem throughout the world, regardless of the perceived freedoms expressed in their constitutions, will remain true to the practice of the media unless decisive measures are taken to restrict it. Over the years, those in political power have controlled the media in every society in various ways. They often achieved this through arsenals of authoritarian control, such as repressive laws, high taxes, direct or indirect control of basic means of production, ill-treatment of media workers, death threats and, in some cases, death threats. Extreme cases, murders of media workers and media house. Closing.

Indirect control measures are also applied to media workers, which includes a governance structure in which media workers determine the day-to-day activities of the organization; financing, production, structure and distribution of broadcast signals, as in the case of broadcast media.

In addition to state control over the media, there are other agencies, such as courts, that impede freedom of speech. The Government’s position on preferential treatment also cannot “bribe” the most influential journalists or critics of the Government with appointments to high public office. When journalists are appointed to public office, they become mere pioneers, as this influences the objectivity of their media products in dealing with issues of concern to the government.

On the other hand, the owners of private media exercise considerable control over their media. There are cases when owners demand self-censorship from their publishers to promote the interests of their sponsors.

Noting that unethical practices and negative attitudes in the workplace can have a negative impact on the productivity, profitability, growth and reputation of an organization, the environment in which so many journalists work today has been the exact opposite. Success is now measured by the number of “who is who?” on the organization’s list of sponsors. Imagine a situation where unemployment, poverty and the deterioration of social values are central and a journalist manages to secure a place where his daily needs are met despite ethical concerns? In some parts of the world dominated by money, most journalists no longer care even about the ethics of their profession, but succumb to the antics of dubious media owners in order to gain access to places and people to get information, to get well-paid advertising from sponsors, and to dubiously label and distort materials containing valuable information, in the interests of their sponsors.

The Risk of Inappropriate Use of Social Media: Fair Dismissal for Inappropriate Comments on Facebook


Unfair dismissal

Under English law, workers have the right not to be unfairly dismissed. The employer must determine that the reason for dismissal may be a valid reason. In order for the dismissal to be fair, the employer must also comply with a fair procedure. To establish the fairness of the dismissal case for behavioral reasons, the employer must be able to demonstrate that at the time of dismissal:

The staff member was found guilty of misconduct.

There were reasonable grounds to believe that the officer was guilty of this misconduct.

He did as much research as was reasonable in the circumstances.

The question of whether the employer acted reasonably should be assessed objectively: was the employer’s decision to dismiss part of the reasonable answers that a reasonable employer could take in those circumstances and in that business? The court cannot replace its position with the employer’s position.

The right to freedom of expression

The basic rights of residents of European member states are protected by the European Convention on Human Rights (Convention). These rights include the right to freedom of expression (Article 10 (1)).

The right to freedom of expression ‘can be governed by any formality, conditions, restrictions or sanctions prescribed by law and necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public security, in the event of riots or crimes, to protect health. or morality to protect the reputation or rights of others, prevent the disclosure of confidential information or maintain the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.”

The Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA 1998) enacts most (but not all) contractual rights and enforces them in UK courts. As far as possible, basic and by-laws should be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the rights enshrined in the Convention (section 3, HRA 1998). Government authorities also operate unlawfully in violation of contractual law (Article 6 (1) HRA 1998).

In the latest Facebook case, the court investigated whether the cafe manager was honestly fired after posting negative comments from customers on his Facebook page and whether his right to free speech had been violated.


The court rejected his application.

The court ruled that the employer had launched a reasonable investigation into allegations of serious misconduct, namely that the complainant had been interviewing on Facebook. The conversation was clearly about work and led to an exchange of views that many people, including the clients themselves, could read. The sanction of dismissal was one of the reasonable answers offered to a reasonable employer.

The Court held that if an employee had the right to freedom of expression under article 10 of the Convention, the employer’s actions were justified because of the risk of reputational damage.

The court found the behaviour of the buyers offensive and shocking. However, Facebook posts took place over a long period of time, after the situation calmed down and it began to work normally. The employee knew that she could use the hotline to get advice from an experienced manager or, if she was sad, ask for permission to retire earlier.


For employers, this case underscores the importance and usefulness of a well-defined policy on the use of social media. The lesson for employees is not to use Facebook or similar media to express frustration at work.

All articles are for public use and public use and are not legal or professional advice.

Copyright 2010 Anassutzi and Co Limited. All rights are protected. Information cannot be transmitted or reproduced unless it is accompanied by the author’s name and biography.