How to Make the Switch to LED Lighting in Your Home or Business Property



Using LED light bulbs in your residential or commercial property has a number of advantages. As well as having a longer lifespan – with an average LED bulb lasting around 11 years in total – the use of LED light bulbs is an energy efficient alternative to conventional bulb usage. LED bulbs are proven to be 80 to 90% more energy efficient than traditional lighting, which equals savings for you and the planet. But how can you make the switch to LED in your property?

Start by phrasing your new tool less led flood light in slowly by buying a few bulbs and fitting them every month, target light bulbs that have a particularly high wattage in your plan to switch. Under cabinet and extractor hood lights are prime culprits when it comes to high wattage lighting making them the best candidates to switch in the early stages to harness major savings on your electricity bill.

Don’t forget about lamps bulbs in your switch to a more energy efficient way of lighting your home. Many desk lamps aren’t compatible with LED bulbs but there are numerous LED compatible designs available on the market that can be used to upgrade your overall interior look and harness the energy efficient benefits of LED.

When targeting areas of your home that rarely use lighting, like lesser visited lofts and basements, consider sticking with halogen and even use the ones you have recycled from other areas of your property in favour of LED lights. This will save you money in the long run and ensures any bulb is fully used.

It’s not just in the home that LEDs can be used, if you are particularly green fingered and use halogen bulbs in your outhouse or shed then consider switching here too. Whilst halogen bulbs are brighter than LEDs, young seedlings cannot use all the light produced by halogens efficiently but the light produced via LEDs can in fact be used without the waste to give new plants the energy they need to prosper.

With Christmas time just around the corner, consider investing in LED powered fairy lights and features, perfect if you tend to go a little overboard during the festive season! As well as being cheaper to run, LED Christmas lights are much safer to use whereas halogen fairy lights heat up causing damage to real Christmas trees. LED fairy lights are longer lasting too so you can have a festive installation that is pretty as a picture for years to come!


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